Church & Covid-19

We have been continually monitoring guidelines and best practices for gathering in a safe way. After a significant amount of prayer and preparation, we have resumed some services at I Heart Church. We're committed to creating an environment that meets government recommendations for safety.

Service Times:

Mt. Hope:  Sunday’s 9:00 am & 11:00 am

Summersville:  11:15 am - Live Stream

Church Online:  9:00 am & 11:00 am | Church Online, YouTube, Church App, Facebook  

I Heart Kids:

I Heart Kidz has the heart to see children encounter the love of Jesus, connect with His church family, grow in faith, serve the church, and share the gospel. Stay connected with us throughout the week and watch our I Heart Kidz Sunday Services by checking out our YouTube channel (IHeartKidz) and following our Facebook Page.